
What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of text that are stored to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. On your further visits to that website, the information stored in the cookie is sent back to the website. This allows the website to recognize you and tailor its content to your needs.

Agreeing to Cookie Use

By continuing to use Sprout Intelligence websites, you agree to Sprout Intelligence’s use of cookies.

Many web browsers allow fine grained control of which sites to accept or deny cookie setting from. You could use these settings to limit cookie setting from Sprout Intelligence sites or to delete Sprout Intelligence-set cookies completely. Please note that if you do delete all your cookies, you will not be able to use some features of Sprout Intelligence websites.

For what do Sprout Intelligence websites use cookies?

Strictly Required Cookies
For our subscription environment, Sprout Intelligence websites allow you to log in to access your subscription or paid content. Cookies are used to securely identify you on your current services, to simplify authentication when you navigate to other Sprout Intelligence services, and to track that your usage complies with your license to use our paid subscription services.

For our e-commerce platforms, cookies help track what services you have added to a basket for purchase and allow you successfully to complete your purchase of our services.

Functionality Cookies

Cookies are used on Sprout Intelligence websites to tailor your experience. For instance, cookies permit:
  - You to navigate around search results and set language or website content preferences on our subscription services.
  - Some Sprout Intelligence websites to determine your regional location and use this information to tailor contact details or website elements so that they are more relevant to you.
  - The website to remember your log-in details.
   - You to share pages with social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this policy, please email us at You may also contact us by calling +91-997-073-3911 or
sending a letter to:
Sprout Intelligence
81/1B, “Sprout House”, Chitraban,
New Sangvi, Pune-411061,
Maharashtra, India